INFORMATION | Jours fériés bancaires les 8-9 mai / Bank holidays on May 8th and 9th

Scheduled Maintenance Report for Payplug


The scheduled maintenance has been completed.
Posted May 09, 2024 - 20:00 CEST


Cher client,

les mercredi 8 et jeudi 9 mai sont des jours fériés bancaires.
Il n'y aura, par conséquent, pas de versement ces deux jours. La réconciliation financière sera, elle, bien produite chacun des deux jours.
Les versements reprendront le vendredi 10 mai 2024.



Dear customer,

Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th of May 2024 are bank holidays.
Consequently, there will be no settlement performed on these two days. Financial reconciliation will still be produced on both these days.
Settlements will resume on Friday, 10th of May 2024.

Posted May 02, 2024 - 09:19 CEST
This scheduled maintenance affected: Reversement / Settlement (Reversement e-commerce EUR / EUR e-commerce settlement, Reversement e-commerce devises / Currencies e-commerce settlement, Reversement paiement en magasin - CB2A / Instore payment settlement, Reversement paiement en magasin - NEXO / Instore payment settlement, Reversement MPA / APM Settlement).